The Town of Poultney, Vermont now benefits from Ecopixel's cost-effective municipal website service.
What website challenges did Ecopixel solve?
A robust, cost-effective website platform
The town had been a customer of Catalis (formerly GovOffice) for many years. However, a big price increase, dissatisfaction with ease of editing, and Catalis' outdated functionality led Poultney to consider alternatives. Ecopixel rose to the top of the selection list as a cost-effective, municipality-focused website provider with a 20-year track record.
Unlike the proprietary Catalis platform (which only that one company can improve), Ecopixel's platform is powered by modern website software called TYPO3 CMS. TYPO3's open-source licensing inspires thousands of talented developers to share and improve this web-based content management system. With its reputation for reliablity and security, TYPO3 is becoming a recommended e-government solution around the world.
A tight turnaround time — on a modest budget
One of the challenges facing the town was the tight timeframe to get off the Catalis platform before their contract expired. Ecopixel rapidly deployed the new site and migrated all the existing content from the old Catalis website. After staff training and a round of careful internal testing, the new site was launched — just four months after contract signing.
Poultney saved money by taking advantage of Ecopixel's ability to co-locate multiple websites on the same platform. About a year earlier, Ecopixel had designed a new recreation department website for the Poultney community with an outdoor recreation guide and summer youth program details. By sharing parts of the design and infrastructure, initial and ongoing costs were reduced substantially compared with two standalone websites.
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A beautiful website that enhances the town-wide rebranding effort
The town's old Catalis website had a generic logo and a banner photo that never changed. Ecopixel solved this during the town's website redesign by creating a beautiful custom website design. At Ecopixel, we believe towns of all sizes benefit from a website tailored to your local community. An attractive town website is a source of civic pride, citizen engagement, and economic development.
The new town website was designed using the results of a recent town-wide rebranding effort. Design students from the local university, guided by a local graphic designer, produced a branding package that included a new logo, colors, and typefaces. Over time, this consistent town-wide branding will boost Poultney's image.
Visit the Town of Poultney's new municipal website!